The Robert Deverall Chemical and Environmental Technology Scholarships sponsored by CCIL, established on December 17, 2014
Robert Deverall Chemical and Environmental Technology Scholarships were established in 2014, in recognition of Rob’s commitment to the independent testing industry. The Scholarships are available to students attending the British Columbia Institute of Technology. The criteria for the scholarships are as follows:
- The Robert Deverall Chemical and Environmental Technology Scholarship – First Year Achievement Award, going to a candidate entering 2nd year
- The Robert Deverall Chemical and Environmental Technology Scholarships – Second Year Achievement Award, which is a graduating award for someone completing the 2-year program
- In both cases, the awards are for students in the Chemical and Environmental Technology Program – Analytical Sciences option.
- In both cases, the award is based on academic achievement but should also consider the student’s overall qualities and thus based on one or more of the following: extra-curricular involvement within BCIT, community involvement (i.e. volunteer activities) and/or communication capabilities.
Both annual scholarships will be in the amount of $2,500.00 each.
For further information, please click here
Scholarships Recipients
2024 -Graduating Award Recipient
Valerie M.
2023 -Graduating Award Recipient
Su Yamin T.
My name is Su Yamin T. A 2022 intake of Chemical and Environmental
Technology student. I joined this program just because of my passion for
environmental science and chemistry. Amazing professors have been a great help
for my curiosity with all the techniques, all other knowledge and their experience.
I will be keep working further in this field, after school, I will start working in the
field for a few years just to get more experience on fields and decide whether I
want to continue for Environmental Engineering or Chemical Engineering.
I have received the email about this scholarship from school right before my
midterm exam. I also have received the cheque from the mail. I am very grateful
for this support I have received.
I am taking full load of the studies, at the same time I am working part time jobs
on the weekends and I also have commitments to school-related extracurricular.
This award will be a great help for me. Again, thank you and I appreciate the
supporters from the bottom of my heart. Please pass my gratitude to the
supporters. This award makes me feel like my hard-work’s been recognized.
Again, thank you for your support.
Hao W.
2021 Graduating Achievement Award
Jun Y-S
First Year Achievement Award – 2019
I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your generosity in funding The Robert Deverall Chemical and Environmental Technology Scholarship – First Year Achievement Award. I am very honored to be the recipient of this award.
I am currently majoring in Chemical and Environmental Technology program at BICT with hopes of becoming a laboratory expert. The financial assistance you provided will be of great help to me in living here Vancouver with my family, and it will allow me to concentrate more of my time for studying.
Thank you again for your thoughtful and generous gift. I promise you I will work very hard and eventually contribute to our society as a chemical and/or environmental laboratory professional.
Mana G-A
1st Year Achievement Award 2018
“I came to BCIT after taking a year off of school. I had worked in a lab during that time and I really liked the environment. I really enjoyed the Chemical and Environmental Technology program and BCIT because it was very dynamic and touched on variety of subjects. Now I work for as a Lab Technician at a pharmaceutical company.”
Justin O.
Second Year Achievement Award 2017
First Year Achievement Award – 2016
Justin is currently in the second year of BCIT’s Chemical and Environmental Technology program. Justin grew up in the Kootenays and developed an interest in the environment from days spent outside. He completed two years of previous post-secondary education in biology, and then took several years off to decide which direction he would like to take his education.
Stephanie B.
Second Year Achievement Award – 2016
Stephanie B. is a recent graduate of the British Columbia Institute of Technology’s (BCIT) Chemical and Environmental Technology program. Since graduating she has been working as a Research Technician in the R&D department of a leading rail technology company, helping to develop friction modification products.
On top of being honoured by the Canadian Council of Independent Laboratories, Stephanie also received the Silver Medal Award from the Canadian Society for Chemical Technology and was Valedictorian of BCIT’s 2016 Graduation Class.
Christina W.
First Year Achievement Award – 2015
Christina W. moved from Taiwan with her family to Canada in 1998.
She is currently a second-year student in the Chemical and Environmental Technology Program at BCIT.
She is looking forward to working as a chemical laboratory analyst after she graduates before continuing on to a degree in geochemistry.
Ambrose C.
First Recipient – 2015
Ambrose C. graduated in 2012 from UBC with a B.Sc. in Environmental Sciences. He then registered for the Chemical and Environmental Technology Program at BCIT. This program helped him develop his practical skills in the lab and also allowed him to focus in his area of specialization to analytical chemistry. Currently working at ALS Environmental as a lab analyst, it is his intention to pursue a Masters in Environmental Science and to focus on environmental site assessments.