The geotechnical and construction materials division of CCIL is the pre-eminent organization that represents the interests of testing and geotechnical consulting engineering organizations.
The member firms offer a broad range of services for materials such as:
- Soil and backfill
- Rock
- Groundwater
- Aggregates
- Concrete and cementitious products
- Asphalt cements and asphaltic concrete mixes
- Masonry and blocks
- Geosynthetics
- Fenestration products including windows and curtain walls
- Roofing products
Other services provided by member companies include:
- Materials testing and quality control / quality assurance
- Geotechnical and foundation engineering
- Geo-environmental engineering
- Hydrogeological services, including Permit to Take Water (PTTW)
- Building sciences
- Construction materials engineering
- Pavement design and structure condition assessments
- Inspection and field services
- Forensic engineering investigations
The firms range from small local companies to large multi-national organizations, and there are lab facilities in almost every major market in Canada.
There is a geotechnical/construction materials division executive that meets regularly to address key issues that affect the industry. Under consideration are a broad array of topics such as: advocacy on critical issues, technical and industry leadership, certification programs, communication, updated standards, communication at conferences and seminars, identification of business opportunities, and industry-specific market surveys and analysis.