The Canadian Council of Independent Laboratories was established in 1993. Prior to that date, the geotechnical and construction laboratories were part of the Canadian Testing Association. When CTA was disbanded, these labs formed CCIL.
When the Ontario Ministry of Transport (MTO) introduced end-result specifications for hot mix road paving, the new CCIL was asked to re-design and then administer a comprehensive asphalt certification program. In 1997, CCIL was asked to also administer a similar certification program for the testing of aggregates.
Both of these certification programs have proven to be immensely popular with over 200 laboratories now participating throughout the country.
In 1999, CCIL was further strengthened when it merged with the Canadian chapter of the International Association of Environmental Testing Laboratories (IAETL). From this merger sprang a major new division within CCIL – now known as the Environmental/Life Sciences Division.
In 2009, CCIL acquired the certification program for concrete laboratories from CSA International. Since then, the number of labs in the program has grown from 215 to over 250.
Today, CCIL is a national, non-profit association that speaks as the voice of independent Canadian laboratories, administers specific certification programs for both laboratories and lab technicians, and assists the industry and government in the establishment of testing standards and policies for the protection of the general public.