Donor: Canadian Council of Independent Laboratories Scholarship (CCIL)
Number of Awards: Two annually (one for Civil Engineering Technology and one for Environmental Engineering Technology) Value: $1,000 each Criteria: Awarded to a full-time student enrolled in either of the Civil Engineering Technology or Environmental Engineering Technology programs at NBCC. This award is based on community/college involvement, leadership, and academic excellence. For further information, please click hereScholarships Recipients
Miranda Dickie
Ange Niyigena (Miramichi Campus)
My name is Ange N.. I am from Rwanda, the country of a thousand hills. After my university studies in Rwanda, I became very interested in environmental studies. My knowledge on different aspects of the environment was limited to the basics and I wanted to learn more. I asked friends and researched schools with related programs until I heard about the Environmental Technology Program at NBCC and was interested. I have learned and still learning so much from the program. I have always enjoyed going to new places, therefore, coming to Canada was very exciting for me. Winter itself was a whole new experience.The scholarship I received was of great help through my studies. It helped me pay my school fees. The act itself provides such a motivation, knowing that somebody out there cares and wants to see you go forward. Once again, I am very thankful and appreciative of the generosity.
Elizabeth B. (Moncton Campus)
Elizabeth B. is honored to be a winner of the CCIL New Brunswick Community College (NBCC) Scholarship. Elizabeth moved from Haiti to Moncton two years ago to pursue her passion in the civil engineering profession. She is currently a structural engineering technologist student at NBCC and a part-time employee at Place Resurgo Place for the City of Moncton. Elizabeth developed an interest in the civil engineering field after the 2010 Haiti earthquake. Following her graduation from high school, she left home to study in Canada with the hope that, in the future, she will be able to help with the structural rebuilding in Haiti. Elizabeth is currently undecided about whether she will immediately pursue further studies in university but continues to dedicate her time to hard work and offering herself as a helper in her community.
Rachel Mc (Miramichi Campus)
Rachel Mc is a second-year Environmental Technology student at NBCC Miramichi. Through her two years at the college,
she has demonstrated good work ethic to maintain her grades. Rachel has a true passion for the environment with her love of
the outdoors starting from a very early age. This hard-working student has intentions of continuing her education further
by studying in the field of marine biology, marine environmental technology or aquaculture. Rachel is honoured that
she was chosen for this scholarship, and would like to thank the Canadian Council of Independent Laboratories sincerely, for awarding her.